Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Following Moon

Time has a way of making memories sweeter. Sometimes though, memories are perfectly sweetened just as they are. One such memory came to mind tonight as I gazed at the moon from the swing in my backyard. As early as two, I remember quoting rhymes about the moon to my daughter while riding in the car at night. I would always tell her that the moon enjoyed our rhymes and giggling so much that it wanted to follow us home. To a two year old, seeing the moon clearly while pulling into our driveway was proof enough that the moon had followed us home. On those rare mornings when the moon was still visible despite the presence of the sun, I told her that the moon missed us and hoped by remaining in the sky, it could share in the rhymes and giggles we were sure to share with the sun during the daylight. ~YMD

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