Wednesday, May 14, 2014

☆ ☽ ☆ I find myself in this place once more

I find myself in this place once more... ……… Sleep evades me,
┊┊┊ and I not for wanting the day to end
┊┊☽play a game of hide and seek with the fatigue whispering in my ear.☆☽ Why does my creativity want to come out and play when all 0thers  sleep. Why do I fall so easily under the spell of my nocturnal musings.
Perhaps it is the comfort of being alone in a full house.
Perhaps it is the peace I gain from witnessing those I love lying safely in their beds, cuddled until the new day awakes them.
Soon I will shun the desire to greet the sun
and slip beneath the sheets of my own bed.
I will notice the breathing of the man lying beside me.
With deliberate effort I will breath him in, be bathed in the familiarity of the life and man I love.
I will wade for a moment or two between lucidity and dream...
then the spell will be broken as I too sleep until the new day awakes me.

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